Senior Club By Laws

The By-Laws presented to the Menands Senior Citizens at the meeting on September 25, 1979, if adapted by said members shall supersede the By-Laws in effect and amendments there to.

Article I – Name

Section I – The Name of the Club is Menands Senior Citizens Club, Menands, NY.

Article II – Location

Section I – Folmsbee Hall shall be designated as the regular home and meeting place of the Senior Citizen Club subject to cooperative programming and scheduling in consultation with the Pastor or designated Church Official. (Telephone 463-8217)

Article III – Purpose

Section I – The purpose of the Club is to promote friendship, sociability and activities for self and community among its members, to improve their health, physical and mental condition, and to encourage their right of self determination among men and women of retirement age, 55 years of age or over, regardless of color or creed and to coordinate activities with other clubs and centers. (amended by membership vote June 2009 to change age from 60 to 55.)

Article IV – Membership

Section I – Resident Member – a paid man or woman 55 years or age or over, residing in Menands. A resident member is able to make motions, vote and hold office. A resident member has first priority, when participating in all activities. (amended by membership vote to change Age 60 to 55 and to exclude “after a verification by the executive committee.”)

Section II – Sustaining Social Member – a paid man or woman 55 years of age or over, not residing in Menands, who attends at least 26 gatherings including 5 business meetings. (on a regular basis and performs tasks that are necessary to sustain the club) A Sustaining Social Member is not allowed to make motions, vote or hold office. A Sustaining Social Member is eligible to take part in and will have second priority in all activities supported by their respective funding.

Section III – Social Member – a paid man or woman 55 years of age or over, not residing in Menands, who does not attend at least 26 weekly gatherings including 5 business meetings (on a regular basis) is considered a social member. A Social Member is not allowed to make motions, vote or hold office. A Social Member is eligible to take part in all activities supported by their respective funding as space is available.

Article V – Meetings

Section I – Business Meetings of the membership will be held on the 4th Thursday of the month at 12:30 PM except during July and August. This may be changed by a majority vote of those present at any membership meeting. (amended 1999 by membership vote to change meeting time from 7:30 PM to 12:30 PM)

Section II – An Executive Committee meeting shall be held prior to the business meeting to plan the agenda for the meeting.

Section III – A special meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the President for emergency business. (amended June 2009 by membership vote to exclude “in consultation with the Club Director”)

Section IV – Special meetings of the members may be called by the President on due notice to the membership. (amended June 2009 by membership vote to exclude “in consultation with the Club Director”)

Section V – No other business shall be transacted at a special meeting other than that for which the meeting was called.

Section VI – Ten or more members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section VII – All business meetings shall be conducted in a democratic manner in accordance with ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER.

Article VI – Officers and Their Duties

Section I – The Executive Committee: the 5 elected officers; President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, 3 Trustees elected by the Club; the elected Past President of the Club; and the Senior Advisory Committee Representative to the Colonie Senior Citizens Club who is appointed by the Mayor of Menands. (amended March 2009 by membership vote to include Assistant Treasurer and Past President to committee.)

Section II – The President: shall preside at all business meetings, shall appoint and be an ex-officio member of all committees. At business meetings shall submit all questions pertaining to government and operation of the Clubto all members for action and will be authorized to make all financial transactions, including the co-signing of checks.

Section III – The Vice President: will discharge the duties of the President in the event of their absence, and shall be in charge of membership, stimulating and participation of all and shall work with the program chairman to assure the success of the monthly membership meeting.

Section IV – The Secretary: will record the minutes of the business meetings of the membership and Executive Committee, and take care of correspondence.
Section V – The Treasurer: will have authority to make disbursements, handle financial matters and will make regular reports at business and Executive meetings. All checks must be signed by the Treasurer and President or Vice-President.

Section VI – The Assistant Treasurer: with the exception of disbursement of funds, shall assist and discharge the duties of the Treasurer in the event of the prolong absence of the Treasurer in order to assure the success of the financial business matters of the Club. (amended March 2009 by the membership to include duties of Assistant Treasurer)

Section VII – The Three Trustees: of the Executive Committee shall assist the Officers in the execution of the business of the membership and assume responsibility for specific projects.

Article VII – Committees

Section I – The Standing Committees are: Executive, Visitation and Sunshine and others that are deemed necessary or productive (such as program, refreshment, community service, educational, publicity, etc.

Section II The Visitation and Sunshine Committee: will meet at intervals with the Chairman appointed by the President, to plan ways in which comfort and pleasure can be given to the ill, the hospitalized and shut-ins or afflicted.

Section III – No officers may be a member of the Colonie Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. (amended and approved by the membership June 2009 to exclude “or Club Director”)

Article VIII – Election of Officers

Section I – The President shall appoint a Nominating Committee in October to present a slate of Officers, hold elections at the monthly November meeting and installations the last Thursday in December before the Holidays. (amended and approved October 1994)

Section II – Terms of Office: The Officers shall be for a term of one (1) year (February to February). They may not be elected to serve more that two (2) consecutive terms for the same office. Trustees shall be elected for a term of three years. Exception may be made by majority vote of the members present at the monthly meeting.

Article IX – Meetings

Section I – A membership business meeting shall be held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 12:30 PM. This may be changed by majority vote of those present at any membership meeting. (see Article V – Section 1 for amendment)

Article X – Expenditures

Section I – Expenditures for activities other than for the benefit of the members of the Club must be voted on by the membership. (amended by membership vote from $100 dollars to expenditures benefit 1999)

Submitted by the By-Laws Committee to the members for consideration at the meeting September 25, 1979 – Adopted by member at the meeting of October 23, 1979.

By-Laws Committee

Robert J. Ryan,
Chairman Blanche Murphy
Vivian Stock