Mayor’s Message-10/25/13

  October 24, 2013

Economic Development:
New Zoning Regulations in Place
After more than two years of dedication and commitment by the Broadway Corridor Rezoning Committee and with the help of a consultant, the Village Board enacted several changes to the zoning regulations affecting the Broadway Corridor. It is the first time in many years that any significant change has been made to our zoning law. The purpose of the changes is to encourage the development of a pedestrian friendly environment as a way to promote the livability and economic vitality of the entire Village.

Building Permit Fees Reduced
The Village Board recently reduced building permit fees for commercial rehabilitation projects, bringing us in line with the Town of Colonie in these areas. The Village wants to encourage our businesses to consider capital improvements as a way to improve the look of their facilities while promoting Menands as a great place to do business.

Projects Underway
NSF Foods, located in Mid-City Shopping Center at the former Save-A-Lot site, is undergoing significant renovations to provide another opportunity for residents to do their grocery shopping without leaving Menands. We anticipate the store will open by December 1st.

A question that I am constantly asked is what is going on with Burger King. Well after nearly three years I am pleased to announce that they too are undergoing a major rehabilitation and modernization. It was great news, following communications between the Village and the property owners and the Carroll’s Corporation, to hear that the Carroll’s Corp. was interested in re-opening the Menands store. We look forward to Burger King opening for business by the end of the year.

Work continues on the expansion at the Menands Mobil. The new space will house a liquor store and they also anticipate opening by the end of the year.

We are very pleased that so many of our businesses are committed to doing business in Menands with many expanding and new businesses realizing Menands is a great place to call home. There are other developments in the works that I hope to be able to share with you soon.

Business Tours
As I mentioned in my last message, I was scheduled to tour Simmons Machine Tools, where new railway wheel sets are produced and maintained. The tour was very interesting and again I was amazed at the products being made here in our small village for businesses around the world. Simmons was founded in 1910 and is now a member of the NSH Group. They have introduced their technology not only in North America, but have also developed relationships in Germany, China, Russia and India, as well as markets in South America, Southern Asia, Australia, Africa and Mexico. I am very grateful to David Davis and his staff for their time and hospitality. I look forward to visiting more businesses in the near future.

Green Infrastructure Tour
Paul Reuss and I joined representatives from other municipalities for a Green Infrastructure Tour hosted by the Storm Water Coalition of Albany County. We toured a rain garden at Cook Park, a green roof at UAlbany, a restoration tour of the Rapp Road Landfill and also a tour of a new housing development in Colonie for demonstrations on porous pavement and other areas to reduce storm water runoff.

Business Breakfast
Our semi-annual business breakfast was held on October 16th. Business representatives throughout Menands are invited to the breakfast as a means to meet each other and get updates on things going on in the Village. A very special thank you to Senator Neil Breslin and Albany County Executive Dan McCoy, for joining us for the first time. Mr. McCoy was one of two guest speakers, joining Beth Mathews, from the New York Council of Nonprofits. The common theme was the Grow Menands initiative that was started this summer. Beth encourages this program to continue, as curb appeal is an important factor in attracting new businesses. County Executive McCoy also discussed the Grow Menands project and presented me with a certificate in recognition for this program. Mr. McCoy also spoke of the issues Albany County faces and the actions he is taking to maintain services while being mindful of the tax burdens we all face.

School Safety
Together with Police Chief O’Brien and Fire Chief Franklin, we met with new Menands School Superintendant Maureen Long to discuss ways the Village and School can work together to ensure school safety. A committee was formed, chaired by Trustee Aileen Nicoll, and included Chief O’Brien and members of the school and village community, to improve the crossing of students at the entrance of Menands School. Under the direction of Chief O’Brien, a crossing guard was hired and trained, the road was restriped and a new crossing sign was placed on Wards Lane, thanks to our DPW. Drivers travelling in that area are urged to slow down and yield to pedestrians both at the school and at the crossing further down Wards Lane near Verizon.

Also, with the help of Paul Cooney, DOT, Fed Ex, Representatives from Albany Med and the Governor’s office and Willy the Whistle, students were given a demonstration on the use of traffic signals, including the rules for safely crossing at a signaled cross walk. The students were great and thoroughly enjoyed the program. Thank you to Superintendent Long for including me and Officer Murphy for introducing Crossing Guard Diane Maguire.

Congratulations to Lynda Long and her committee for another successful Fall Festival in support of Derek Murphy. It was a great event.

Congratulations also to the Menands Fire Dept. for their open house held on October 8th. Many families attended and enjoyed demonstrations and fun and informative activities for the kids, as well as hot dogs and drinks.

Please see the Newsletter for details of the Village Halloween Party to be held on 10/27 and the Ladies Auxiliary Breakfast scheduled for 11/10.

Please join us on November 9th for the Military Appreciation Parade/Picnic in honor of the men and women of our armed forces for their service to our country. Details in the Newsletter.
Until next time, Mayor Meg