Board Meeting Minutes – October 2nd, 2017

  October 2, 2017

The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Menands held on Monday, October 2nd, 2017 was called to order by Mayor Megan Grenier at 6:00 P.M.

Megan Grenier, Mayor
Steve Boulet, Trustee
Seth H. Harris, Trustee
Aileen Nicoll, Trustee
William T. Smith, Jr., Village Treasurer
Stephen Rehfuss, Village Attorney


Diane Foley, Trustee
Donald Handerhan, Village Clerk

Also attending: Bill Garvey, Brian Marsh, Lyle Darmetko, William Nevins, Catherine Sheridan, Stephen Brickman.

The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Open Forum:

Resident Bill Garvey thanked the DPW for clearing the area around the hydrant on North Lyons Avenue. He also inquired about donating money to the Village to plant trees in Ganser-Smith and Polk Switzer Parks. Attorney Rehfuss advised Mr. Garvey he could do so.

Resident Brian Marsh inquired as to how the Village did last years compared to the Budget. The Treasurer advised him that Revenues were more than Budgeted and that expenditures were less than Budgeted and to stop by the office for further details.

Resident Bill Nevins inquired if the State was done with Route 377. The Mayor said as far as she knew it was done. A discussion followed. He also thanked the DPW for all they do.

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Boulet to accept the minutes of the September 18th, 2017 Board Meeting.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Harris to approve payment for the following:


GENERAL totaling $ 71,952.03
WATER totaling $ 525.05
SEWER totaling $182,015.23
TOTALS $254,492.31

Void Ck. # 44142 totaling – $ 110.00
Void Ck. # 44128 totaling – $ 1,583.23
Issued Ck. # 44155 totaling $ 338.94

PAYROLL # 9: totaling $ 90,280.64
(09/15/17 – 09/28/17)


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Treasurer requested a motion authorizing the transfer of $76,000 from the Sewer Savings Account to G.8120.0430 to pay for the Park Drive Sanitary Sewer repairs and replacement that was approved at the July 17th, 2017 meeting. Trustee Harris moved, seconded by Trustee Nicoll a resolution
authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $76,000 from the Sewer Savings Account to G.8120.0430 to cover repairs and replacement of a portion of the sanitary sewer on Park Drive.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Fire Department will be holding their Annual Open House on Monday, October 9th, 2017 starting at 6:00 P.M.

Trustee Harris offered the following motion authorizing the Fire Department to give rides to children in a fire truck at the October 9th Open House. The motion was seconded by Trustee Boulet.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Treasurer advised the Board that flyers had been distributed to the residents of the streets being paved and to the Police. He will notify North Colonie School District of the streets and time frame. He also discussed a possible change to the Budget due to estimated increases in Retirement costs.

At 6:12 P.M. Trustee Harris made a motion, seconded by Trustee Boulet to enter into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The regular meeting reconvened at 6:30 P.M.

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Harris to adjourn.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The meeting was duly adjourned at 6:30 P.M.

William T. Smith, Jr.
Acting Village Clerk