Board Meeting Minutes – March 5th, 2018

  March 5, 2018

The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Menands, held on Monday, March 5th, 2018 was called to order by Mayor Megan Grenier at 6:00 P.M.
Megan Grenier, Mayor
Steve Boulet, Trustee
Seth H. Harris, Trustee
Aileen Nicoll, Trustee
Donald Handerhan, Village Clerk
Paul Reuss, Exec Asst to Mayor


Diane Foley, Trustee
Stephen Rehfuss, Village Attorney

Also attending: Bill Garvey, Brian Marsh, John Stangle, Mike Mackay, Karen Van Schaack, Mike Connors, Frank Commisso, Jr., Josh Montanye, Janet Ramsay, John Burkett, Mary Brown. Dave Ingalls, Bruce Haeussler, Alex Dietrich, Eric Johnson.

The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Clerk read the Notice:

A Public Hearing will be held on Monday, March 5th, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. in the Village Municipal Building at 250 Broadway for the purpose of considering a Special Use Permit:

5 Elmwood Apartments is requesting a Special Use Permit for construction of a 72 Unit Apartment Project at 5 Elmwood Road, Menands, NY 12204.

Such public hearings are open to the public and are accessible to the handicapped. All are encouraged to attend or to present comments in writing.

At 6:00 P.M. the Mayor opened the Public Hearing for a Special Use Permit for 5 Elmwood Apts. she explained Special Use Permit guidelines about the project and that each person would have three minutes to speak.

Dave Ingalls of Ingalls & Assoc. spoke about the project. There will be three (3) buildings, 72 units, three (3) stories all in T-4. There is 3.4 acres of land. The project has been reduced from 100 units to 72 units. There will be 143 parking spots by code they would only need 108 this would allow for guest parking. In the building closest to Route 378 there will be a Sales Office and Fitness Center. The plan is to loop the 6” water, also to be compliant with stormwater. There will be a sidewalk to the park. The clients are professional and empty nesters.

Resident Karen Van Schaack asked if a traffic study had been completed. Resident Van Schaack is concern due to it takes her seven minutes now to get out onto Broadway from Harts Lane.

Mr. Ingalls replied two (2) studies were completed. One (1) by his firm and another by an independent firm. Both came to the same conclusion there would be minimal change. 35 vehicles in AM and 45 in PM. A discussion followed.

Resident Janet Ramsay stated that Harts Lane is very busy with current traffic the increased traffic will make it worse. Has there been a traffic study with vehicle counts? A discussion followed.

Resident John Burkett stated impact on the Polk Switzer Park. Mayor Grenier stated that the developer wants to do work along the property line of Polk Switzer Park and Dave Ingalls agreed that was in the plans if the Village agrees. Resident John Burkett likes the idea of more residents to attract more businesses. Mayor Grenier responded all of the developers she has spoken to state the Village needs more “Roof Tops”.

Resident Stacey Applebaum question monthly rent charges – Dave Ingalls was not sure of the amount.

Resident Bill Garvey asked when the building demolition would start.

Bruce Haeussler from BBL Construction state the Bowling Alley is closing as of April.

Resident John Stangle gave the reason why Harts Lane was built by the State. A discussion followed.

Resident Brian Marsh inquired about the assessed value of the proper. The Board was unsure of the exact amount. A discussion followed.
Resident John Burkett asked if there was going to be a sidewalk to Broadway. A discussion followed.

Resident Josh Montanye asked if the Environmental Study had been completed.

Eric Johnson explained not as of yet it is part of the next step.

Trustee Boulet would like to have DOT look at the lights at 444 Broadway and the Ramp to Route 378 are they tripped or timed?

Dave Ingalls went over the (10) points of a Special Use Permit.

The Board had no further questions.

The Board has sixty-two (62) days to make their decision.

Hearing no further questions or comments the Mayor closed the public hearing at 7:03 P.M.

The regular meeting reconvened at 7:05 P.M.

Open Forum:

Albany County Comptroller Mike Connors stated that the Sales Tax Revenue is lowering due to the increase in internet sales. Mr. Connors also asked the Board to adopt a resolution and send it to each Albany County Legislator and Senator Breslin indicating that the Board is in favor of internet sales tax. A discussion followed.

Resident Bill Garvey asked the Mayor what new businesses are coming to Menands. The Mayor explained to Mr. Garvey at this time she is unable to talk about any new businesses.

Resident Garvey asked about street lights he reported out. The Clerk advised him that they have been reported to National Grid.

Resident Garvey would also like to help volunteer by cleaning anywhere in the Village.

Resident Brian Marsh asked about the old Williams Press Building. The Mayor explained they closed on the building.

Resident John Stangle asked if the Tax Cap question had been cleared up from the last meeting. The Mayor explained she spoke to NYCOM’s Village Attorney the Tax Cap can be rescinded.

Resident Josh Montayne stated that there is no crosswalk at the bus stop across from Glenwood Road he wanted to know it one could be installed. The Mayor explained that Broadway is a state highway but the Village could inquire.

Resident Mike Mackay inquired about the status of the Dutch Village Project. A discussion followed.

Trustee Harris made a motion, seconded by Trustee Boulet to accept the minutes of the February 20th, 2018 Board Meeting.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting ABSTAINED
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Harris to approve payment for the following:

GENERAL totaling $59,427.35
WATER totaling $ 5,803.02
SEWER totaling $ .00
TOTALS $65,230.37

PAYROLL # 20: totaling $78,277.92
(02/19/18 – 03/01/18)


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Clerk reminded the Board about the Budget Workshops scheduled for Thursday, March 8th, and Thursday, March 15th, 2018 at 5:30 P.M.

After checking with the Village Insurance Agent, all questions regarding using the fire truck and chief’s car have been addressed and proper restraints will be used. It was requested by the Fire Department to use one fire truck and one chief’s car in the St Baldrick’s Parade. A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Boulet to approve this request.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Clerk reminded the Board that Park Permits are out – must have insurance certificate.

Mayor Grenier rescinded State of Emergency for flooding on Monday, March 5th, 2018 at 9:00 A.M.

Mayor Grenier ask board if they wanted to act on Comptroller Connors request. The Board decided they would like time to look over the paperwork before making a decision.

Mayor Grenier ask board if they wanted to act on 2% cap override after a discussion it decided to wait until after the budget workshop.

A motion was made by Trustee Harris, seconded by Trustee Nicoll to adjourn.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:51 P.M.

Donald Handerhan
Village Clerk