Board Meeting Minutes – January 17th, 2023

  January 17, 2023

The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Menands was held on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023, and was called to order by Mayor Megan Grenier at 6:00 P.M.

Megan Grenier, Mayor
Diane Foley, Trustee
Seth H. Harris, Trustee
Timothy Lane, Trustee
Brian Marsh, Trustee
Donald Handerhan, Village Clerk
Stephen Rehfuss, Village Attorney – Attended virtually.
Chief Ryan St. Gelais, Police Dept
Chief David Ognan, Fire Dept

Also attending: Bill Garvey, Matt Robers, Mike Steurer, Nicole Ognan, Charles Ansert, Bill Nevins, Jen Nechamen, Bob Becher and Chris Flint.

The mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance

Public Hearing
Mayor Grenier Opened the Public Hearing for the purpose of the Restore NY Round 7 Application

The Clerk read the following notice:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Village of Menands will be applying for grant funding from the RESTORE NY Round 7 program administered by the Empire State Development Corporation. RESTORE NY funds can be used to demolish, deconstruct, rehabilitate and/or reconstruct vacant, abandoned, condemned, and surplus properties. A Public Hearing will be held on January 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the Village Municipal Building, 250 Broadway, Menands, NY regarding the application and the Village of Menand’s properties designated for funding as outlined in the Property Assessment List below:
Site Size (sq. ft) Building Type Project Type Building Category
90 Broadway 43,000 Commercial Rehabilitation Vacant

90 Broadway 2,700 Commercial Reconstruction Vacant
Comments on the application and the Property Assessment List can be presented at the hearing or submitted in writing prior to the hearing and directed to Don Handerhan, Village Clerk, 280 Broadway, Menands, NY 12204.

Matt Rodgers from LaBella led the discussion regarding the Restore NY Round 7 Application. Matt explained the grant would be used for 90 Broadway to repair the roof, update the electrical, upgrade the HVAC, and repave the parking lot to include shade trees. Discussion followed.

Hearing no further comments Mayor Grenier closed the hearing at 6:04 PM.

Resolution Number 230118

Trustee Marsh entered the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, the Empire State Development Corporation is requesting funding proposals for the seventh round of the Restore NY Municipal Grant program; and
WHEREAS, grant funds are available for projects to demolish/deconstruct and/or rehabilitate/reconstruct vacant, abandoned, surplus, and/or condemned residential, commercial and/or mixed-use buildings; and
WHEREAS, an important goal of Restore NY is to revitalize urban centers, rural areas, and disadvantaged communities. It is anticipated that upon completion, the projects funded by Restore NY grants will attract individuals, families, and industry and commercial enterprises to the municipality. It is further anticipated that the improved community and business climate will result in an increased tax base thereby improving municipal finances and the wherewithal to further grow the municipality’s tax and resource base, lessening its dependence on state aid; and
WHEREAS, cities with populations less than 40,000 can apply for up to $2,000,000 in grant funding;
NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED by the Menands Village Board that it hereby authorizes submission of a Restore NY grant application not to exceed $2,000,000 for the Mid-City Shopping Plaza project in downtown Menands.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the Village of Menands, Albany County, New York, is hereby authorized as the official representative of the Village of Menands to execute and submit the Restore NY application, all understandings and assurances contained therein, and is also hereby authorized to execute any grant agreements or documentation to implement the grant.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that project meets the following objectives:
(1) The project is consistent with the Village of Menands 2020 Comprehensive Plan and the Menands Zoning Update (in progress).
(2) The proposed financing for the project is appropriate and committed.
(3) The project facilitates effective and efficient use of existing and future public resources so as to promote both economic development and preservation of community resources.
(4) The project develops and enhances infrastructure and/or other facilities in a manner that will attract, create and sustain employment opportunities where applicable.
Seconded by Trustee Foley


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Matt Rodger from LaBella gave a Joint Village Board and Zoning Board of Appeals Presentation related to the Zoning Law project. Discussion followed.

Resolution Number 230119

Trustee Marsh made a motion to accept the Draft Chapter 169 Zoning Law and to schedule a Public Hearing for February 6, 2023, at 6 PM, second by Trustee Lane


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Open Forum:

Resident Bill Garvey stated his concerns:

He is glad to hear that the Bethany Presbyterian Church won’t be converted to a daycare.
He is suggesting that the daycare be moved to Mid-City Plaza.
He is proposing locating trash barrels & other items with at least 4’ fire hydrants. Also, equipment & other items are being located too close to fire hydrants.
He would like to see all wooden guard rails painted Lincoln green or regular green in all parks.
The cost should be included in the 2023-2024 budget.
Sometimes the lights are left on in the Court Room at night. He realizes that the clerks sometimes work late hours.
While fueling his vehicle he moved 2 barrels 3 feet away from the fire extinguishers. He is proposing Village require all items 4’ from fire extinguishers in all buildings & related infrastructure within the Village.
He recommends replacing all damaged street signs with a new aluminum signpost.
Several streets in lower Menands are in need of repair. He proposes using waste gravel, cement, waste oil products asphalt, synthetic rubber, and waste engine oil to repave our Village streets in the foreseeable future.

Harts Lane Tillinghast Avenue
Louis Avenue Brookside Avenue
Clifford & Menand Roads Irving Place
North & South Lyons Avenue North & South part of Oakwood Avenue
Canal Street + Market Road
Use of the above-mentioned products for paving materials in repairing highways, streets, bridges, airports, sidewalks parking lots in the Northwest Territories and its localities.
His plan is to utilize renewable energy resources to power all public buildings in the Northwest Territories and its localities.

Judge Robert Becher and Judge Chris Flint led a discussion regarding staffing issues within the Menands Village Court. Discussion followed.

Resolution Number: 230120

A motion was made by Trustee Marsh to accept the minutes of the January 3rd, 2023, Board Meeting, seconded by Trustee Foley.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Resolution Number: 230121

A motion was made by Trustee Lane to approve payment for the following, seconded by Trustee Marsh.


GENERAL totaling $ 41,202.13
WATER totaling $ 7,692.76
SEWER totaling $ 3,220.00
TOTALS $ 52,114.89

PAYROLL # 17: totaling $101,031.77


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Resolution Number: 230122

A motion was made by Trustee Marsh, to accept the following resolution, seconded by Trustee Foley.

RESOLVED, that the Treasurer be, and hereby is, authorized to make the following Budget Transfers

Account Account

From Acct: A.1110.0154 To Acct: A.1110.0152
Description Clerk of Court P/t – O/T Court Clerk
$5,000.00 $5,000.00
No Help

From Acct: A.3120.0103 To Acct: A.3120.0102
Description Full Time Patrolmen Supervisor
Amount: $90,900.00 $90,900.00
Put in wrong account when budget
was developed.

From Acct: A.3120.0108 To Acct: A.3120.0105
Description Lieutenant Police O/T
Amount: $18,000 $15,000.00
No P/T available

From Acct: ” To Acct: A.3120.0107
Description ” Police – DWI Patrol
Amount: ”

From Acct: ” To Acct: A.3120.0208
Description ” Police Equipment/Misc
Amount: ” $1,500.00

From Acct: A.1990.0400 To Acct: A.6989.0400
Description Contingent Acct Econ Opportunity/Dev
Amount: $25,000.00 $5,000.00
Cost of CDPHP Bicycles

From Acct: ” To Acct: A.9089.0800
Description ” Compensated Absences
Amount: ” $6,200.00
D’Ambro Vacation/

From Acct: ” To Acct: A.1620.0412
Description ” Bldgs – Light, Power, Gas
Amount: ” $13,800.00
Price Increases


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Resolution Number: 230123

The Treasurer request the board to amend the 2022-2023 budget, with all the changes that occurred at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 the treasurer did not have enough positions in the budget for the replacement of the Chief and a patrolman position which was vacant. Therefore, the budget should be adjusted by $119,262 as we have now filled them. After a discussion, Trustee Lane moved the following resolution which was seconded by Trustee Marsh. A resolution authorizing the Treasurer to amend Account number A.3120.0103 Full-Time Patrolman by $119,262. in the 2022 -2023 Fiscal Year budget.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Deputy Clerk / Treasurer advised that there are 2 properties that need to adjust their Water / Sewer bill. 14 Clifford and 412 Broadway were errors due to only the radio being installed and they were billed like they had a new meter.

Resolution Number: 230124

There was a discussion regarding incorrect usage for 14 Clifford Rd. It was discovered there was an error with the meter reading, resulting in incorrect usage. Trustee Lane offered, seconded by Trustee Marsh the following resolutions:

WHEREAS, Water and Sewer Account # 51-247-0 for 14 Clifford Rd water charges were based on incorrect usage. Now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that a total of $944.68 from Water will be adjusted off 14 Clifford Rd current bill, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a total of $377.87 from Sewer will be adjusted off 14 Clifford Rd current bill.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Resolution Number: 230125

There was a discussion regarding incorrect usage for 412 Broadway. It was discovered there was an error with the meter reading, resulting in incorrect usage. Trustee Marsh offered, seconded by Trustee Foley the following resolutions:

WHEREAS, Water and Sewer Account # 51-166-0 for 412 Broadway water charges were based on incorrect usage. Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a total of $971.81 from Water will be adjusted off 412 Broadway’s current bill, and be it further

RESOLVED, that a total of $388.72 from Sewer will be adjusted off 412 Broadway’s current bill.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE
Chief David Ognan asked the Board for permission to surplus the following gear due to the gear being expired under NFPA standards. A discussion followed.

Resolution Number: 230126

After a discussion Trustee Marsh made a motion to surplus the expired gear from the Fire Department, seconded by Trustee Foley.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Chief Ognan advised the Board that DPW Foreman Mike Hagmann and himself had discussed switching Squad 6 for the safety trailer. The safety trailer would be used for pump-out equipment, and road closure equipment, and Squad 6 would be used for water break equipment. A discussion followed.

Resolution Number: 230127

After a discussion Trustee Marsh made a motion to approve Squad 6 to go to DPW for the safety trailer go to the Fire Department, seconded by Trustee Foley.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The clerk advised the Board that the Community Block Grant Application was received and is available in the Village Office.

Mayor Grenier advised the Board that she and Brianna Coughlin had an interview with Samantha Hall for Youth Director. Mayor Grenier appointed Samantha Hall to the position of Youth Director.

Resolution Number: 230128

Trustee Marsh made a motion to approve Samantha Hall as Youth Director to start immediately, seconded by Trustee Foley.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Mayor Grenier advised the Board that she would like to appoint Charges Ansert as an Alternate ZBA Member and appointed Danielle Freeman as ZBA Member to replace Kevin Miller who has stepped down.

Resolution Number: 230129

Trustee Marsh made a motion to approve the appointment of Charles Ansert as ZBA Alternate and Danielle Freeman as ZBA Member, seconded by Trustee Lane.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Mayor Grenier advised the Board that a Thank You card was received from the Menands School Yearbook.

Trustee Lane Asked Jennifer Nechamen if there was any update on Hutton Street Park Playground. Jen advised there was no update, but will follow up with the landscape engineer.

Trustee Harris asked the clerk for an update on the Stop Sign Replacements. The clerk will follow up with Mike Hagmann.

Chief Ryan St. Gelais advised the Board that he was approached by SUNY Albany to see if he could use an intern for 15 hours a week from now until May. A discussion followed.

Resolution Number: 230130

Trustee Lane made a motion to approve the intern from SUNY Albany for 15 unpaid hours per week until May for the Police Department, seconded by Trustee Harris.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Resolution Number: 230131

Mayor Grenier read the following resolution:

37 Simmons Lane

WHEREAS, the applicant, Two Girls, and a Guy II, LLC, (David Fusco), is requesting site plan approval from the Village Board of Menands to construct two new warehouses (Building #1 45,500 SF and Building #2 35,100 SF) on a 24.1-acre parcel at 37 Simmons Lane (Tax Map ID #55.17-3-4.1) in the Village of Menands, New York;

WHEREAS, the project includes Building #1 to be occupied by a single building construction services user and Building #2 to be occupied by several warehousing who are expected to warehouse materials for light industrial use, light manufacturing/assembly use, construction materials and distribution of parts or finished products;

WHEREAS, the buildings will be one-story, steel frame metal buildings that are approximately 28 FT high and will also include truck docks and at grade overhead doors on the south side of the buildings with a total of 99 surface parking spaces;

WHEREAS, the hours of operation, including loading dock operations, are expected to be 7 am to 7 pm, seven days a week.

WHEREAS, the project site is located within the Industrial Zoning District and entails filling in a floodplain and the 100-foot regulated adjacent area of a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulated wetland;

WHEREAS, the total acreage to be physically disturbed is 7.9 acres;

WHEREAS, the proposed action has been determined to be an Unlisted Action, pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR Part 617;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, pursuant to the applicable standards of SEQRA 6 NYCRR Part 617.6, the Village of Menands Village Board concludes that it is the appropriate agency to serve as Lead Agency for the environmental review of the proposed Unlisted Action; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the Village of Menands Village Board hereby declared its intent to be Lead Agency for the coordinated SEQRA evaluation circulated the site plan application and associated materials to the other Involved and Interested Agencies, indicating the Village Board’s intention to serve as Lead Agency.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Menands Village Board hereby establishes themselves as Lead Agency for review of the proposed action, pursuant to the requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act, 6NYCRR 617.6.

Trustee Marsh made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Trustee Lane.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

At 7:35 P.M. Trustee Marsh made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter, seconded by Trustee Foley.


Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The meeting was duly adjourned at 8:16 P.M.

Donald Handerhan
Village Clerk