Board Meeting Minutes – December 3rd, 2018

  December 3, 2018

The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Menands, held on Monday, December 3rd, 2018 was called to order by Mayor Megan Grenier at 6:00 P.M.


Megan Grenier, Mayor
Steve Boulet, Trustee
Diane Foley, Trustee
Seth H Harris, Trustee
Aileen Nicoll, Trustee
Donald Handerhan, Village Clerk
Stephen Rehfuss, Village Attorney

Also attending: Bill Garvey, Brian Marsh, John Stangle, Bill Nevins, Susan Sweeney, Chad Bush and Jonathan Bush.

The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Mayor opened the public hearing for proposed Local Law # 5 of 2018 to establish the position of Deputy Court Clerk.

The Clerk read the notice: The Village Board has set a public hearing for Monday, December 3rd, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. to introduce proposed Local Law # 5 of 2018 to create a Deputy Clerk position.

Such public hearings are open to the public and are accessible to the handicapped. All are encouraged to attend or to present comments in writing.

LOCAL LAW # 5 OF 2018
Chapter 24

§24-3 Deputy Court Clerk

The Menands Village Board wishes to establish the full-time position of Deputy Court Clerk in accordance with New York State Uniform Justice Court Act §109. The Deputy Court Clerk will assist the Court Clerk in performance of his/her/their duties along with any other assigned duties, and in such duties, the Deputy Court Clerk will at times act for and in place of the Court Clerk. The Menands Village Board’s intention is that the Deputy Court Clerk position be Civil Service exempt. The Deputy Court Clerk of the Village shall be appointed or discharged from employment, in accord with New York Village Law 3-301, only upon the advice and consent of the Village justice or justices when the Deputy Court Clerk, in his or her Village duties, works solely for the Village justice or justices.

A discussion followed

Hearing no other questions or comments the Mayor closed the public hearing at 6:03 P.M.

The regular meeting reconvened at 6:03 P.M.

Open Forum:

Resident Bill Garvey asked about the status of the Tree Inventory. Mayor Grenier advised it is in the hands of the Engineers.

Resident Garvey asked Trustee Nicoll about Capital Roots, Trustee Nicoll explained that Capital Roots is on the Agenda for the next Board Meeting.

Mr. Garvey asked about the Bowling Alley, Mayor Grenier explained the property is up for sale.

Mr. Garvey stated that trucks are still using Rail Road Avenue.

Mr. Garvey reported that the stop sign at Menand Road and Rail Road Avenue is bent. Clerk will advise DPW to repair.

Resident Brian Marsh asked if use of the leaf machine in the spring is a possibility. Mayor Grenier stated we have been talking about doing that.

Mr. Marsh advised the Board that the power went out again on November 21st he contacted National Grid and advise them he is bringing a law suit against them.

Mr. Marsh asked the status of 350 Broadway and Dutch Village, Mayor Grenier advised him there are issues with both properties and the Village is working with the owners.

Mr. Marsh asked if the owners of the bowling alley are aware that the terms approved for them are not transferrable. Mayor Grenier stated they have been advised.

Resident Susan Sweeney stated that she understands the importance for Public Safety for DPW to switch to plows. She also complimented the DPW employees on how hard they work and the great job they do. She understands that not being able to pick-up the leaves bothers them because their streets are not clear. Mayor Grenier thanked Mrs. Sweeney for her comments.

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll to accept the minutes of the November 19th, 2018 Board Meeting, seconded by Trustee Harris.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

A motion was made by Trustee Harris to approve payment for the following, seconded by Trustee Boulet:


GENERAL totaling $345,725.41
WATER totaling $403,819.15
SEWER totaling $ 45,684.50
TOTALS $795,229.06

PAYROLL # 13: totaling $154,845.86


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Treasurer is requesting permission to transfer $12,000.00 from the Unappropriated fund balance to account A.3120.0202 Police Car the account was used to pay the difference between the insurance and the cost of a new car for the one that was totaled in the accident January 22, 2018, and is short to pay for the police car we just received that was budgeted for.

Trustee Nicoll move a resolution authorizing the Treasurer to transfer $12,000.00 from the Unappropriated fund balance to A.3120.0202 Police Car, seconded by Trustee Harris.

Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Clerk gave the Board a reminder of the Annual Christmas Party for employees, retired employees and their guests is scheduled for Thursday, December 13th, 2018 from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. at Poppy’s Place.

The Clerk also gave a report on the Youth Christmas Party there was a great turn out. Mayor Grenier stated that Brianna and herself had written a letter to CP Rail requesting that next year they stop at Menands.

Trustee Nicoll informed the Board that an enjoyable time was had by all at the Seniors Christmas Party. The Fire Department and Auxiliary did a great job.

Mayor Grenier informed the Board that she attended a meeting with the Albany County Health Insurance Consortium. Albany County hopes to have a final report ready at the beginning of the new year. Most of the Municipalities involved have submitted their information need by Albany County.

Brian Marsh asked what is the benefit. Mayor Grenier advised its part of Shared Services, and is based on Thompkins County. They have only seen a 5% increase each year.

Boy Scout Jonathan Bush, asked if there any community concerns there face the Village. Mayor Grenier answered that due the early snow fall the DPW was not able vacuum the leaves like they normally do.

A motion was made by Trustee Harris to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Boulet.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The meeting was duly adjourned at 6:22 P.M.

Trustee Harris made a motion to reopen the regular meeting to vote on Local Law # 5 of 2018, seconded by Trustee Boulet.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Trustee Harris made a motion to approve Local Law # 5 of 2018 Chapter 24 Deputy Court Clerk, seconded by Trustee Boulet.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

A motion was made by Trustee Harris to adjourn seconded by Trustee Boulet.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Harris voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The meeting was duly adjourned at 6:25 P.M.

Donald Handerhan
Village Clerk