Board Meeting Minutes – August 21st, 2017

  August 21, 2017

The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Menands
was held on Monday, August 21, 2017 and called to order by Mayor Megan Grenier at 6:00 P.M.
Megan Grenier, Mayor
Steve Boulet, Trustee
Diane Foley, Trustee
Aileen Nicoll, Trustee
Donald Handerhan, Village Clerk
Stephen Rehfuss, Village Attorney


Seth H. Harris, Trustee
Paul Reuss, Exec Asst to Mayor

Also attending: Bill Garvey, Brian Marsh, Lyle Darmetko, Mary Brown, John M. Burkett, Nancy & Bill Moreland, Eric Johnson.

The Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Open Forum:

Resident Bill Garvey thanked the DPW for cleaning the brush along Railroad Avenue. He also stated that the fire extinguisher at Stewarts is not blocked anymore and he thanked Code Enforcement. Mr. Garvey thanked the Village for the enjoyable time he had at the Village Picnic and also thanked the Board for allowing him to help clean up after. He stated the signs on Irving Place should be replaced.

Resident Brian Marsh stated he wished Paul Reuss speedy recovery. He also asked if there was a bottom line figures for last year’s budget. Mr. Marsh asked if the Village knew how many tickets have been written on Van Rensselaer Blvd. The Clerk advised the last number he had heard was approximately 40 tickets.

Residents Nancy & Bill Moreland asked about getting trash cans in Polk Switzer Park. The Clerk advised he would have DPW take care of it. Mrs. Moreland thanked DPW for the mowing and clean-up of the park. Mr. Moreland stated the storm sewer at 15 Glenwood Rd has a sink hole is starting. The Clerk advised he will have DPW check in the morning. Mr. Moreland asked if there was any word about Elmwood Apartments. The Mayor advised the Village has not heard from them.

Resident Moreland complained about the traffic light in front of 444 Broadway. The traffic between 7:15 and 8:45 continue to run through the red light. Mr. Moreland was advised that Chief O’Brien will be advised.

Resident Moreland asked if another Dead-End Sign could be placed at the end of Glenwood Road because the trucks try to drive up the street and get struck. Mr. Moreland was advised that DPW will look into it.

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Boulet to accept the minutes of the August 7th, 2017 Board Meeting.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Foley to approve payment for the following:


GENERAL totaling $62,154.15
WATER totaling $11,989.33
SEWER totaling $ 1,827.35
TOTALS $75,970.83

PARK INPROVEMENT _ totaling $ 6,521.25

PAYROLL # 6: totaling $93,887.70
(08/04/17 – 08/17/17)


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Eric Johnson explained how the GIS Application is used to identify zoning for a parcel. That the application could be expanded to include locations of valves, manholes, storm sewers and many other options. A discussion followed.

Trustee Boulet made a motion to approve Chazen Proposal for a GIS application that can be used on an iPhone or iPad, at a cost of $3,030.00 seconded by Trustee Foley.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Village Clerk provided the following quotes to the replacing computer used for the Water Department.

Dell Precision Workstation T3620 $1,585.00
Dell Latitude 5580 Laptop $1,545.00

Dell Precision Workstation T3620 $1,856.29
Dell Latitude 5580 Laptop $1,630.00

A discussion followed and it was decided to out for one other quote. Tabled until next meeting.

The Village Clerk provided the following quotes to the Board for a Swing Gate that would only be opened for Emergency Purposes on Glenwood Road.
AFSCO Fence Company $2,975.00
Siena Fence Company $2,230.00
Trustee Nicoll made a motion to approve a gate on Glenwood Road, seconded by Trustee Foley to Siena Fence Company for $2,230.00 and that the gate would only be opened for Emergency Purposes Only.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Clerk informed the Board that he received a letter from Rick Ognan stating that after 37 years with the Village he will be retiring as of August 31st, 2017.

The leaf truck is beyond repair the Clerk will report back to the Board with different options.

The Clerk gave the Board a reminder that September 1st, 2017 will be the start of Thursday Recycling for the entire Village.

The Clerk reminded the Board of the NYCOM Fall Training School to be held Monday, September 11th – Friday, September 15th at the Hilton in Saratoga Springs let Cheryl know if you are interested in attending. (Registered Smith, Handerhan, Grenier, Nicoll)

The Clerk reminded the Trustees that the next Village Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5th, 2017 due to the Labor Day Holiday on Monday.

Mayor Grenier advised that she had contacted the Rockefeller Institute and inquired about the findings of a 2011 report regarding consolidation of Menands dispatchers with the Town of Colonie that was referenced in the 2017 Albany County Shared Services Draft Report. Mayor
Grenier gave a breakdown of how the annual savings of $2,776 from the 2011 report was calculated per the Rockefeller Institute. A discussion followed.

The Mayor thanked everyone who organized and participated in the Village Picnic. It was a great success.

The Mayor reported that a meeting was held with SUNY Albany on regards to River Front Development Grant the Village is applying for. This will be a two-year project and the public input will be needed.

The Mayor stated that traffic counters are being place at all rail road crossing in the Village. Eric Johnson from Chazen Companies explained the reasons for the counters is need for the Quit Zone Application that the Village is applying for.

At 6:39 P.M. Trustee Nicoll made a motion, seconded by Trustee Boulet to enter into Executive Session for a personnel matter.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The regular meeting reconvened at 7:08 P.M.

A motion was made by Trustee Boulet, seconded by Trustee Nicoll The Youth Director will be paid One Dollar ($1.00) over minimum wage for the hourly portion of the job.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

A motion was made by Trustee Nicoll, seconded by Trustee Foley to adjourn.


Trustee Boulet voting AYE
Trustee Foley voting AYE
Trustee Nicoll voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:10 P.M.

Donald Handerhan