Board Meeting Minutes – August 15th, 2022

  August 15, 2022

The regular semi-monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Menands, held on Monday, August 15th, 2022, was called to order by Mayor Megan Grenier at 6:00 P.M.


Megan Grenier, Mayor
Timothy Lane, Trustee
Brian Marsh, Trustee
Donald Handerhan, Village Clerk
Bill Smith, Treasure
Stephen Rehfuss, Village Attorney


Trustee Foley
Trustee Harris

Also attending: Bill Garvey, Chief Ryan St Gelais, Chief David Ognan, Nicole Ognan, Matthew Rogers, Paul Cooney, Matt Roberts, Karisa Stowell, Merra Merritt, Gary Jeffries, Nick Grngeresky, Steve Boulet.

The mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Open Forum:

Resident Bill Garvey made the following comments:

  1. There was a yard waste bag near a fire hydrant on Clifford Road.
  2. A car was parked in the fire lane at Village One Apts. he reported it to the Menands Police Department and they ticketed the vehicle.
  3. The street light at Broadway and Harts Lane has been replaced.
  4. Bill reported an open door to the fire department.
  5. Bill approves the purchase of the folding-inserting machine.
  6. The railroad crossing sign is being blocked by a tree limb on Brookside Avenue.
  7. The stop sign on Railroad Avenue is blocked by a tree.
  8. Bill is willing to help clean up after the Village Picnic.

The minutes for August 1, 2022, could not be approved due to not having a quorum. The minutes will be approved at the September 6, 2022, Board Meeting.

Chief David Ognan introduced the new members of the fire department to the Board. Each member gave a brief description of their experiences as a firefighter. The Board welcomed them to the fire department.

Resolution Number 230043:

A motion was made by Trustee Marsh to prove payment for the following, seconded by Trustee Lane.


GENERAL totaling $43,481.05
WATER totaling $ 8,250.90
SEWER totaling $ .00
TOTALS $51,731.95

PAYROLL # 6: totaling $90,105.60


Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The Treasurer requests the following transfers.

Resolution Number 230045:

A motion was made by Trustee Marsh, seconded by Trustee Lane, to accept
the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Treasurer be, and hereby is, authorized to make the following Budget Transfers

Account Account
From Acct: A.1910.0400 To Acct: A.3120.0405
Description Unallocated Insurance Police – Insurance
Amount: $3,700.00 $3,700.00
Under budget

From Acct: A.1990.0400 To Acct: A.9089.0800
Description Contingent Account Compensated Absences
Amount: $5,000.00 $5,000.00
Kinneston and Sheedy left employment


Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Mayor advised the Board due to a notification error the Public Hearing on Videoconferencing would have to be rescheduled. Discussion followed.

Resolution Number 230046:

After the discussion Trustee Lane made a motion to schedule the Public Hearing, on Videoconferencing for Village Meeting for Tuesday, September 6, at 6 PM, second by Trustee Marsh.


Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

Matt Rogers from LaBella Associates led a discussion regarding both the New York Forward Grant and Restore New York Program. After the discussion the Board decided the following:

  1. They would apply for the New York Forward Grant in the next round.
  2. The committee will start working now to gather all information needed for the grant.
  3. The Village will go forward with the Restore New York Grant.
  4. LaBella Associates will give a proposal for the work needed to complete each grant application.

Deputy Clerk / Treasurer Nicole Ognan gave the following update on the Water Meter Project.

  • Meter replacements began on July 13th – as of August 12th, 40% have been successfully installed. Out of the 342 installed, there have been a total of 23 that could not be installed, based on various scenarios, that we are handling on a case-by-case basis.
  • Every resident that needs a meter replacement should have received a card by now. The third notice for the first 4 cycles will be going out once we get more inventory in, which should be the first week of September.
  • There is a 2-week hiatus on installations after this week’s installs, due to delays in production of the meters – Ti-Sales has been amazing in doing all they can in getting us the meters to keep the project moving forward.
  • Once we have more inventory in stock, East National Water will open appointment slots (appointments are based on inventory, that way we never get into a situation where there is no product for an appointment)

Discussion followed.

Also, the next Village Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, due to the Monday Holiday.

Mayor Grenier reminded everyone of the Village Picnic & Community Night scheduled for Wednesday, August 24th from 5 pm to 8 pm.

At 6:50 P.M. Trustee Marsh made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue, seconded by Trustee Lane.


Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The regular meeting reconvened at 7:15 P.M.

Resolution Number 230047:

After Executive Session, Trustee Marsh made a motion to hire Joseph Yanni and Logan Alexanian as full-time police officers starting at Step 2, seconded by Trustee Lane.


Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

A motion was made by Trustee Marsh to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Lane.


Trustee Lane voting AYE
Trustee Marsh voting AYE
Mayor Grenier voting AYE

The meeting was duly adjourned at 7:16 P.M.

Donald Handerhan
Village Clerk